Submit Your Story

So do you know some stuff about things?  Is it some of the coolest stuff in Texas? …and stuff?

Whether you have a subject you’d like us to feature or a post you’d like to contribute, we’d love to hear from you.  We don’t have many rules, but there are a few steps we’d like you to take.

  • Send an email to our co-editor at or fill out the form below and attach your post.
  • Include a brief summary of your post or idea for approval (preferably before you write the post so nobody’s time is wasted if we’ve already written about it, or if your idea just blows)
  • In the subject line, specify either: GUEST POST or POST IDEA
  • Include links to any of your previous articles or blogs you write

We will get back to you with approval and then do the damn thing!

  • PLEASE spell check and grammar check. We have a hard enough time spelling our own names, let alone your made up words.
  • We would prefer that your article is written and formatted completely so we can put it directly into WordPress with media included.
  • Make notes of any links you wish to include
  • No affiliate links
  • Please include a short bio (40 words) and a picture for us to use in your byline

Your contributions and ideas are very much appreciated.  Guest posts and tips are an important part of the way we keep the CST community informed of the coolest stuff in Texas.

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